Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Trialing times. Finding out more about English wine

Over the years I have been teaching winemaking at Plumpton College, I have slowly but surely been setting assessment tasks which can engage the students.  One of the assessments that I particularly enjoy setting is the vinification trials. Here year 2 students team-up to make wine that explores a set of vinification treatments using English grapes. They need to research the treatments, help design the trial, carryout the winemaking & analysis and then finally conduct a tasting of the trial wines with the class.

Muller Thurgau

This year we are investigating the following areas:
  • Protecting and enhancing aroma in Muller Thurgau wine using enzymes and yeast derivatives.
  • Examining the influence of maceration times on Dornfelder red wines
  • Investigating the role of yeast strain on Acolon Rose wine
  • Investigating new yeast strains on Reichensteiner white wine
  • Developing thiol aroma in Bacchus white wine
  • Assessing the impact of cold maceration and enzymes on Dornfelder red wines  

Acolon Rose yeast trial
Most of these trials are now underway, with just Reichensteiner to inoculate

Besides examining the impact of the treatments the students get a taste of managing wine ferments which include making correct additions, taking timely and accurate measurement as well as ameliorating potential problems such as hydrogen sulphide and volatile acidity.

Beside the vinification trials we also have a few student project wines being made.  So we also have trials underway that look at different vineyard planting densities of Regner vines, Non-sacchromyces in Pinot Noir to name a couple.

Pressing Regner planting density grapes
So the Rathfinny research winery is being well utilised, with students popping in and out all hours of the day and on weekends tending their ferments, and getting them used to the demands of a vintage.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Off to Dijon!......"Do you have what it takes to be a world class sparkling wine judge?" part 2

Working at Plumpton College can be hard work, lectures to prepare, students to advise, assessments to set and mark. When I first start teaching, I naively though that after the long hours I had experienced as a winemaker I would now have a more normal "9-5" workload and consequently lots of free time. When the Principal of Plumpton College warned me that I would have to work hard, I smiled and said fine, sure in my belief that winemakers know plenty about hardwork.  I soon discovered I was wrong and the Principal was right.  Those first years of teaching were tough, lots of late nights, early mornings and weekend work. However I survived those years (helped by many therapeutic summer holidays in Italy to relax) and settled down with the teaching. However Plumpton College is dynamic environment and there is always something extra to be done. The course content and structure is always being revised to makes things better, there is always new staff to interact with offering new ideas & knowledge that make you re-evaluate what you know as well as new developments such as the new MSc in Viticulture & Oenology. Another thing that keeps us busy in student study trips and one I have been involved in is leading a group students to judge at the Effervescent du Monde sparkling wine competition.

To become a judge a Effervscent du Monde, you must participate in a training session, which was run yesterday. This year we extended the invitation to UK grape growers, wine makers and people in the wine trade. We had an excellent response and over 20 people participating in the training session.

The training is crucial, as the Effervscent du Monde are trying to improve accuracy and precision in its judges. This is very important with sparkling wines as they are more difficult to judge then still wines because they are very influenced by the way there are served.  This was highlighted in the lectures given by Professor Richard Marchal from the University of Reims, that showed that Mousse and Effervescence are influenced by many factors including shape and cleanliness of the glass, amount of wine poured, wine temperature and time from pouring. This in turn impacts wine aroma and flavour. Professor Marchal used this information to inform us how the wines should be served and importantly how the wines should be judged.

Professor Richard Marchal talking about Effervescence and foam

We also hosted Jean Claude Buffin, who discussed how the du Monde wine shows are conducted. The aim of the competition is to improve the accuracy and precision of the assessments.  He also discussed at great length howjudges may be influenced in the decisions they make and steps that can be taken to reduced this problem.

Part of the judging sheet for Effervescents du Monde

After this we participated in a series of tasting session to practice the judging system using a variety of sparkling wines including Champagne, Cava, Prosecco and of course English Sparkling wine. It wasn't long before the would-be judges got the hang of the new judging system and started to give some consistent results in their assessments.

You can also read Laura Clay's blog post on the day here

So now that training is over, its time to plan our trip to Dijon for the actual judging. Of course going to France and Burgundy means that the the trip can be enriched with some extra activities. On this years itinerary we hope to include the the following:

Cellars of Champagne Drappier
Hospice de Beaune Burgundy in barrel

I can't wait and if its a good as last years trip (read about here) it will be a great wine experience.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Do you have what it takes to be a world class sparkling wine judge?


Plumpton College in conjunction Professor Richard Marchal (Reims University) and Jean Claude Buffin (author of Le vin: pratique de dégustation), are offering a one-day course on the sensory evaluation of sparkling wines to prepare judges for the prestigious Effervescents du Monde competition. This world-leading sparkling wine event is held every year in Dijon (Burgundy). See for further details

The session will focus on sparkling wine effervescence and mousse and training judges in the objective measurement of wine quality using the Effervescents du Monde judging system. There will, of course, be a wide range of sparkling wines to taste.

Upon the completion of this one-day course, delegates will be assessed and may then become qualified to judge at this year’s Effervescents du Monde competition.  

This event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the IOC tasting room at Plumpton College, near Lewes, East Sussex BN7 3AS on Friday 18th October 2013.
The price for training £85, including wines, and a light lunch.

Please register your interest by the Plumpton College contact page, using "wine studies" as the area of interest and include "Sparkling wine tasting day information" in the comments section.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Champagne harvest: A short video

I spent the second half of last week at the University of Reims, where I was conducting some experiments with Laccase and sparkling wine juice. I plan on writing about this later.

However while i was there I shot a short video in one of the wineries we are taking samples from.  I was very impressed with the facilities of the Coopérative vinicole de Nogent l'Abbesse, which serves the most North Easterly vineyards of Champagne .  These vineyards are located on a small hill near the villages of Nogent l'Abbesse, Cernay-lès-Reims and Berru and are predominantly Chardonnay grapes.

Nogent l'Abbesse, North East of Reims

In a period of 10 days, the winery will process approximately 4000 tonnes of grapes through a winery, using some of the most up-to-date winemaking equipment available.  The video below highlights how the grapes get from the grower into the winery where there are whole-bunched pressed into juice.     

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Ciocâlteu: Professor, Poet and Political victim

I have been using some FC Phenol reagent, which a mixture of acidic phosphomolybdate and phosphotungstate, in the lab yesterday to measure phenol content.  It provides a quick snapshot of the gross quantity of phenolic material in samples, as outlined in this elegant method provided by Dr Andrew Waterhouse from UC Davis. It is usually abbreviated to FC by staff and students as Folin- Ciocâlteu  reagent is a bit of a mouthful for English speakers.

FC reagent with its distinctive neon colouring
However I decided that I would like to find out more about the Ciocâlteu part of this reagent's name, which led me to the very interesting story of Vintilă Ciocâlteu.

I am going to start with an interesting fact that Ciocâlteu helped provide the method that has had arguably the single biggest impact on scientific literature for all time. This impact was through the work of Oliver Lowry and his team, who in 1951 published a paper "Protein Measurement with the Folin Phenol Reagent" in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. This paper and the methodology has been cited an incredible 248 682 times (as of today 1st Oct 2013), making it one of the most influential papers in modern science.  Almost a quarter million science teams have looked into this study, whch was initially made possible by the the work of Otto Folin, Wiley Glover Denis and Vintilă Ciocâlteu.

From such interesting contribution to chemistry, it is easy to follow the history of Vintilă Ciocâlteu the Romanian scientist behind this chemical, and what follows is a brief outline of his life, which I have adapted from this historical article

Born in Romania in 1890, he graduated as a physician in 1920. He did incredibly well with his studies an was awarded a Rockfellar scholarship to leave Romania and study in the United States at the Harvard Medical school. It was in 1925 he worked for Otto Folin, considered to be one of the founders of Biochemistry and spent many productive years in the lab, including the work on the eponymous reagent. 

Vintilă returned to Romania, where he was deeply involved in university life in Bucharest.  He gained his professorship, started new laboratories for biochemistry and eventually became Dean. Biochemistry wasn't his only passion and he was known in Romania as eminent Poet publishing two collections of poems and being widely involved in the literary scene.  

Of course the country of Romania was about to experience one its most turbulent phases in history. Initially with countries involvement in fascism, then its subsequent take over by Soviet state.  It was during the period of communism that Vintilă became under suspicion from the state as intellectual and a liberal.  This was compounded by the fact he ha received substantial training in capitalist America.  He was demoted from his post of Dean, while the authorities conducted a smear campaign to renounce his good works.  In 1947 he was summoned to the faculty senate to defend his cause.  He duly did so for two hours, presenting the importance of his career and discoveries to his peers. It was at the end of this political witch hunt that Vintilă succumbed to a massive stroke and he died on the senate floor to eternal shame of all the attending academics.

So after learning of this interesting story, I can't help think about the importance of science, politics, history and I now make it a point to tell my students about how this strange yellow/green liquid came into being. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Syringaldazine and sparkling wine

Last week I was preparing for my trip to Champagne that is occurring this week. I will be working with my Colleagues from University of Reims, collecting samples during grape processing. We have had to wait until the CIVC had declared the Vendage dates for Champagne. So I will be going to France on Tuesday night and spending the rest of the week collecting juice samples from a large winery during the key stages of whole-bunch pressing.  Once we have collecting the samples, it will be back to the lab to carry-out key analysis, and then return the next day to collect more samples.

Generally most of France has being experiencing trying grape growing conditions such as late budburst, flooding rains, hail, scorching hot summers months and mostly recently weather conditions conducive to mildew and grey rot. Champagne has not been immune to this problems, and some vineyards are showing a proportion of Botrytis cinerea infection. I will be quantifying how much Laccase or by its technical name benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase  (IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature E.C. has been produced by the infection. One of these easiest ways to quantify the quantity of enzymes is to measure the substrates consumed or the by-products produced.

In my experiments I will be measuring how much Syringaldazine (4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde azine) has been consumed per minute of activity.  

Syringaldazine (courtesy of Sigma Aldrich)

They are many methods for measuring this consumption, at different pH, temperature, concentration and buffers.

  • Consumption of 0.5 mM syringaldazine at pH 6.5 and 25 °C (Lante et al. 2000)
  • Consumption of 1.0 mM syringaldazine in citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 5.0 (Minussi et al. 2007)
  • Consumption of 0.216 mM syringaldazine in potassium phosphate buffer at pH 6.5 and 37 °C (McNaughton 2003)
  •  Consumption of 0.01% w/v syringaldazine in sodium acetate buffer (Iland et al. 2004)

The reason syringaldazine is used because it oxidises quickly and produces a distinctive red/magenta colour change at 525-530 nm, which can be measured by visible light spectrophotometer. The increase absorbency at 525/530 can then be related to the amount of syringaldzine consumed and thence the activity of laccase in the sample.

Cuvettes of syringaldzine reaction product

Iland, P., Bruer, N., Edwards, G., et al., 2004. Chemical analysis of grapes and wine: techniques and concepts, Campbelltown: Patrick Iland wine promotions.
Lante, A. et al., 2000. Biodegradation of phenols by laccase immobilised in a membrane reactor. Process Biochemistry, 36(1-2), pp.51–58. Available at:
McNaughton, G., 2003. Enzymatic assay of laccasse EC Sigma aldrich technical documents. Available at: [Accessed September 8, 2013].
Minussi, R.C. et al., 2007. Phenols removal in musts: Strategy for wine stabilization by laccase. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 45(3-4), pp.102–107. Available at: [Accessed September 4, 2013].

Monday, 23 September 2013

"The pure culture is the foundation for all research"

According to Robert Koch, Nobel prize winner and often considered the founder of modern Bacteriology. Koch made important breakthroughs with infectious disease such as Anthrax, Cholera and Tuberculosis. His ideas are still considered important and are used in teaching to this day.

Robert Koch (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

So it it with theme of purity that I mention our new addition to the Jack Ward Laboratory, a Bassaire KV4 vertical laminar flow, which arrived today. Laminar flow cabinets are used in microbiology work to ensure a clean environment is maintained and that no external microbial contamination occurs. 

Laminar Cabinet in place in the Jack Ward laboratory 
They are quite simple in function with a fan sucking air through a high specification filter to remove all aerial contaminants. The clean air is then pushed down into the cabinet, where it is spills out over the work bench. This over-pressure of clean air reduces the contamination of agar plates, ensuring that only the organisms that you are interested in, actually grow on the plates.

We will be using the Laminar flow cabinet initially in the study of lactic acid bacteria. This year my colleague Andrew Atkinson will be investigation the growth of lactic acid bacteria that have a tolerance for low pH and high acidity. We will assessing how well they perform in the harsh acidic conditions of English Sparkling base wines. Hopefully we will be able to establish which strains perform best according to both pH and sulphite tolerance. Interestingly some of the strains we will be testing have originated in the UK, having previously been isolated by Plumpton College students Gwen McCann, David Joyce and Emma Waldron.



Sunday, 22 September 2013

Estate Italiana - Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia

While not strictly 100% oenology, I have been meaning to document my travels from earlier this year, and this blog seems to be a convenient place to put it. 

This summer I visited NE Italy, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. I sought advice and suggestions about all these countries including where to go, what to do and who to visit. So to return the favour for the wisdom I received I am sharing my experiences.

Perfect Venetian evening

We started the holiday on the Venice beaches.  Most of the time was spent BBQing and drinking Aperol. However on a bar crawl into Venice, we spent a significant amount of time in Osteria alla ciurma in Rialto.  It has a diverse list of local Venetian wines, supplemented by wines from FVG. Traditionally Venice has been a major consumer of wines from its neighbours and they take pride of place in these local drinking spots. The bar all served plenty of top notch Cicchetti to go with the wines. Highlights were a sparkling Refosco and Salmon wrapped in pancetta and the deep fried in tempura. 

On the cultural front we took a trip out to Padua to see the stunning Giotto frescoes of the Scrovegni Chapel. it was a breath taking sight and worth the trip to visit.

Maurizio (Left) and me
Besides the experiencing the joys of the Adriatic, I decided to also find out more about Prosecco by taking a trip to Conegliano Valdoobbiadene. I visited the small producer Malibran Vini and learnt as much as possible from the winemaker Maurizio Favrel, about these wines, how they are grown and what it takes to make them. This was probably one of the best tastings I had during the holiday, starting with Col Fondo Prosecco (sparkling bottled with lees) then moving to more normal Charmat/Autoclavi styles. Interestingly both their driest and sweetest wine styles need to use the very best base wines to achieve the best balance. Last wine on offer was a Sparkling rose made from Rabaso and Incrocio Manzoni Moscato 13.0.25 which is a grape I knew very little about  but took a particular shine to during my trip in Italy.

Cloudy Col Fondo Prosecco 
Vanio Spumante Rose

From Venice we moved onto the Colli Orientali del Friuli, where we stayed in the vineyards of Aquila Del Torre. I spent some time with the winemaker Michele Ciani touring the wonderfully terraced vineyards tucked up into the Foothills of the Julian mountains.  This is a beautiful spot where the hills have been extensively sculpted into sun-catching terraced bowls, which are both functional as well as striking and highlight the role of people in revealing the terroir of a site.  
South facing Vineyard amphitheatres of Aquila del Torre
Vinous highlights from the winery were the Picolits, a capricious grape that was made in both the traditional sweet style and the rule-breaking dry style that Aquila del Torre call Oasi. A mature Merlot from the family cellars was no slouch either and highlighted NE Italy's long relationship with this international grape.
Picolit grapes shown its distinctive poor set character
Alto Gradimento, food as good as the views
The region of FVG has some wonderful sights, but the one enjoyed most was the amazing mosaic floor of the Basilica of Aquileia. This basilica is now a UNESCO world heritage site due to importance in linking Roman and Christian era's together. While touring the region many people recommend the nearby town of Grado for its beaches, however we found it the most disturbing beach in the world; muddy, tepid and weedy. It it could be best described as like swimming in Miso soup. To redeem our trip to Grado, we ate a modern Italian dinner in the 6th floor Alto Gradimento restaurant in the centre of town had superb views and fresh and lively food. 

Cormons custom built press trays with 3 press cuts
A day spent driving the hills of FVG and Slovenia with my good friend Professor Mario Gregori of the University of Udine lead me to two very different wineries. Firstly was the Cormon’s, a co-operative for more than 200 grower, which was a very slick operation making an extensive portfolio of wine styles, many single varietals as well as distillates. 

The company and winemaker Luigi Soini are innovative in wine making and wine marketing including a long tradition of engaging with famous artists and there is an amazing collection of large oak Botte featuring a diverse range of modern and traditional art pieces. For me the most interesting wine on offer was il Vino della pace (Peace wine). A single vineyard wine comprising over 300 different varieties from all over the world.  From this difficult to manage vineyard, due to natural difference in grapes maturities, flavours, colours, disease pressure etc, they can produce an interesting full-bodied white wine with a intriguing mouth-feel and distinct Muscat aroma twang. 
Saša’s new wines
Following on from this large winery was a trip to the decidedly smaller family affair of Radikon. Here I spent time learning the ins and outs of making mature, long lived skin-contact wines. Saša and Stanko generously shared many of their wines, including current release 1999 Merlot, a lovely mature 1998 Ribolla Gialla and the 2000 Fuori dal tempo Duemila.  However my favourites were Saša’s new style wines which are shorter in skin contact to the normal Radikon wines. To me they were fresher, lighter and showing a more invigorating approach.

After this visit we said arrivederci Italy and moved onto to central Europe where I was to visit more places and wineries.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Vintage hands and safe winemaking

End of another busy week and I was at loss about what to blog. 

I have just complete a two-day 'Safe winery practices' course for the year 2 wine production students. Safety in the wine industry is important, too many people get injured at work because they fail to understand the risks of the making wine. However while it is important, it can be boring to teach and even more boring to learn.

I do try my best to ensure my students learn how to be safe when the enter the real world of winemaking and hopefully they will never experience an industrial accident or worse, be responsible for one.

One thing I ask them during the lessons is what are the biggest risks they face as winery workers, and the answers usually come back quickly as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Interestingly these hazards are reasonable well understood, but surprisingly rare. Instead the some of the most common cause of injuries are manual handling, falling from heights, slips and trips and vehicles.

It is an almost mundane list of hazards found in all industries, however I think it is because of this familiarity that they become forgotten especially in the heat of vintage.  
Alongside these 'common' hazards there are some unique winery hazards that all new winery workers have to understand and be aware of including:
  • Diatomaceous earth - respiratory problems
  • Caustic soda and other tank cleaning agents - chemical burns
  • Winery hose - trip hazards and manual handling 
  • Forklifts, tractors - vehicle accident
  • Steam - scalds and burns
  • Barrels - manual handling and impact/crush injuries
  and many others
One problem that is incredibly common, but often overlooked is the 'vintage hands'. While not life threatening they can be painful, annoying and socially embarrassing (No my car hasn't just broken down!). 

Image courtesy of Katnook Estate
During my years as a winemaker I tried many different cleaning ideas including the popular dry citric acid, neat hypochlorite, Solvol etc. Most of these clean your hands but leave them in poor  condition. However in my last vintages at Katnook Estate I came across a product Stoko Reduran which is specialist hand cleaner for the print industry.  It works extremely well on red wine stain and soon everyone in the cellar was using it. When I moved to Italy to work, I made sure I took a tube with me and I discovered my fellow cantineri were often sneaking it from my locker. I now advise all my third year BSc students to take it on vintage with them for use during there Vintage winery placement modules.

Interestingly while on twitter tonight that I saw a tweet from Erica Landin and Nayan Gowda discussing this very topic. It was then I realised that not enough people in the wine industry know about this product and that its worth tweeting and blogging about.

So for those currently or about to vintage, good luck, safe safe and keep your hands clean.


Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Aroxa challenge comes to Plumpton College

The academic year at Plumpton College has started in earnest today. Our second year wine students have come back from their summer activities to enrol for the new year. Besides enrolling they are doing a short course on 'Safe winery practices' to ensure they can successfully work in the winery. The first year wine students are already enrolled and learning the rules and regulation of higher education, so they can start classes next week.

This year I decided to organise a little competition for the wine students to provide a break from their lessons, to benchmark where they are and inspire them to improve over the coming year. To make this happen we got  technical assistance from Aroxa based in Leatherhead, Surrey.  Aroxa was founded by Dr Bill Simpson of Cara technology (world leader in Brewing science), as a company to supply flavour standards to the Beer industry.  

Flavour standards for those not familiar with them, are high purity odour/flavour compounds, bound to a complexing agent and delivered at the correct dose rate into sample beverage. They allow industry personal to train themselves on the sensory impact of specific compounds with minimal fuss and at dosage rate found in the target beverage.  The can range from ng to mg levels depending on specific odourants.
Capsules containg 22.5 micrograms of Guaiacol for adding to wine  (Aroxa)
These standards are widely used in the beer industry for tasting panel training and validation. They are also used in the cider & water industries and more recently the wine industry.

So today Lee Hinds who is Aroxa's development chemist, came to Plumpton College with a collection of 10 key wine flavours:
  • Vanillin - “Vanilla, like ice cream or custard”
  • Guiaicol - “Smoky, like smoked fish or cheese
  • β Ionone -“Violets, like Turkish delight”
  • β Damescenone - “Damascenone, floral with undertone of red fruits”
  • Isoamyl acetate -“Isoamyl acetate, like bananas or pear drops”
  • 2,3 Butanedione - “Diacetyl, like butter, or butter popcorn”
  • 2 Isobutyl 3 Methoxypyrazine - “Earthy, like green pepper”
  • cis 3 Hexenol - “Freshly cut grass, like hedge cuttings”
  • Lactone - "Like coconut"               
  • Gereniol - “Geraniol, like rose petals”
These flavours were the basis of the 'Aroxa Challange' that we conducted with our wine business and wine production students.

Lee Hinds discussing flavour compounds
First up Lee, gave a standard dose to the students in water and explained the importance of that compound to wine.  Once the students had familarised themselves with the compounds they were presented with 10 blind samples at half strength in a randomised order.  For the student correctly identifying all 10 flavour compounds, they were then challenged to identify flavour mixtures or quarter strength standards until the heat winners we found.

Many interesting things came out from these tastings, firstly many students found out about any personal specific anomsia (inability to detect single smells)  they may have.  Personally I discovered I am odour blind to β Ionone, though I am not alone in this as it is a very common anosmia (approx 50% of people) as shown in this 2006 study by Plotto, Barnes and Goodner. Some student also discovered that while the compounds are detectable, they present a different aroma note to those which others find, a example of this includes lactone presenting as dill/hamburger pickle notes not just the classic coconut aroma.  Finally we collected some simple data on intensity as a way of potentially refining the dose rates in the future.

The students and staff enjoyed the challenge immensely, and some got quite competitive

Sarah Redpath heat 1 winner
Ian Holloway, heat 2 winner

In the end the three heat winners Sarah Redpath, Ian Holloway and Rory Loftus (not pictured) walked away with the glory and respect of their peers as well as a bottle of wine courtesy of Aroxa team.  

Next year we shall try again, to see how the 2013 student have improved and allow our 2014 students to benchmark their initial tasting skills.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Vintage butlers. A helping hand during Harvest

Last month I was invited by CHR Hansen and the DLR Rheinpfalz to attend the annual enology symposium held in the wine town Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, where I presented to German winemakers on UK wines and MLF.  

I was luckily enough to meet with Professor Robert Steidl from LFZ Klosternburg in Austria and listen to his presentation on yeast. One of the key points Professor Steidl raised was the importance of yeast re-hydration  in ensuring good quality inoculation and subsequent fermentation. He then introduced the Hefebutler, made by Austrian company SITT Developments. The Hefe or Yeast butler is an automated yeast re-hydration machine. Designed to prepare yeast in a controlled manner and inoculate the tank automatically when it reaches the correct point.


Yeast Butler (SITT Developments)

I would guess that almost all winemakers have experienced re-hydration & inoculations issues. My personal list includes running out of hot water, finding all cellar thermometers broken leaving you to judge temperature by feel, overflowing yeast buckets and hefting heavy buckets up to the top of tanks. 
Added to the list of problems is my personal red mist issue, which is cellarhands abandoning the yeast re-hydration process to go to lunch, leaving the poor yeast starving hungry and shivering with cold.  

SITT seem to offer a solution to these problems. From the website information the machine seems to work in the following way:
  1. Roll the machine to water supply where it automatically fills to correct level and warms to the correct temperature.
  2. Roll the machine to your juice tank and connect it.
  3. Once correct water temperature is reached, the beep tells you to add a bag of yeast. From then on it's all gravy.
  4. The butler carefully stirs the yeast, aerating and adding nutrition as required. The butler will also take juice from the tank and cool the yeast down until it is the same temperature and sugar level minimising thermal & osmotic shock.
  5. At this point the butler injects the yeast culture into the juice tank and the ferment can begin.
  6. The butler is then detached from the the juice, reconnected to the water, where it self-cleans, minimises risk of cross contamination.

It would be good to try out in a real winery situation, to see if improvements to ferment and winemaker sanity are worth the money.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Jack Ward laboratory at Plumpton College

A tweet by  Dr Belinda Kemp an ex-Plumpton student and more recently ex-lecturer who is now senior scientist at CCOVI Brock University, led me to a recent paper about English & Welsh Winemaking.  In Hugh Clout's article, he outlines some of the important history of the local wine industry.  It makes mention of Jack Ward and the Merrydown drinks company and the important role they played in bring viticulture/oenology back to Britain after it had died out in the early 20th Century.

Fast forward to September 2013 and the Plumpton College wine department is about to expand into its new wing.  The new building has been under construction for just over a year, and will incorporate two significant spaces.  The first is the Rathfinny research winery, a new micro-vinification facility for conducting trials by students and researchers.  This new area was funded by generous donations from Sarah & Mark Driver of Rathfinny Estate, who also gets a mention in Hugh's article.

Rathfinny research winery 

The second area is a newly expanded laboratory for teaching and research, which was made possible by a donation from the Merrydown trust.  This laboratory will be named the Jack Ward laboratory to honour his contribution.

Jack Ward laboratory
Along with these new additions, the changes inspired by the construction have also allowed some additional expansion to the HE student area of the College.  So our students will soon be benefiting from a larger common room, group study rooms and enlarged computer suite.

New HE Computing suite

So the HE students will be here shortly and they will get to study in this area that links to the past with the future, which has all be made possible through the generosity of their predecessors.    

For more information on the project, as well as information how you can assist please go to the Plumpton College Wine Research Centre homepage

Monday, 16 September 2013

Plumpton College gets a touch of Formula 1

Courtesy of our new Randox Monaco analyzer.

Randox Monaco Analyzer

We have had a Randox Daytona previously, but this year we are exchanging our clinical unit for the newly released food-dedicated Monaco machine.  These units are great as they allow high-quality enzyme based analysis to be done on wine samples with a minimum of fuss.

Enzyme-based analysis have been a boon for the wine industry, allowing the measurement of specific wine components without interference from other compounds present in wine.  For example many wineries measure titratable acidity, but can't tell exactly what types and quantities of acid make up this reading.  However with enzyme analysis it is possible to measure exactly how much lactic, acetic, citric, malic a wine actually has.  

They work because enzymes generally catalyze only one specific reaction, so adding that enzyme will consume all the key compound without reacting with anything else.  However that in itself would be no good unless we can also measure what the product of reaction is.  Luckily the enzyme-based reactions cause the formation of the redox  biochemical NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which cause UV light to be absorbed at 340nm.  We can measure how much absorbance occurs and from this calculate how much malic acid we had to start.  

NAD+/NADH absorbance (wikimedia commons)

Traditionally this was done in laboratory by lab staff using small reagent kits and micro-pipettes, which can be expensive and fiddly to get right.

The Monaco automates this process, using tiny amounts of both sample and enzyme reagents and getting results with more precision.  Once the unit is commissioned we hope to measure the following compounds, quickly and easily.
  • Lactic acid 
  • Malic acid 
  • Acetic acid 
  • Glucose & Fructose 
  • Ammonium ions
  • Amino acids